A while ago i decided to conciously make the effort to spend bits of each day with individual children but its gone by the wayside. So today, in between waffling away the day, with Js here to soak up the residue, i made more of an effort.
I took Ammi for a bath; she has a HUGE phobia about them, but she smelt, so it had to be done. lately she is so petrified of baths and hairwashes that the big two have been saying “if you don’t do that, mummy’ll wash your hair…” (got to admit to using it too a few times!) – anyway, i coaxed her in and we had a nice time playing with bath toys, spelling her name with foam letters, etc etc. And no tears. This afternoon though she has done a lot of nasty “pushing” in the big girls’ stomachs, which is annoying; i think Josie turning into a mini-child is causing some backlash 🙁
Maddy and i did reading and signing, she can now do “more orange juice please” and read half of Peter and Jane 2a – cool. She is so quick to remember words. I’m not sure its all really genuinely in, but its a good start and she loves it. She also made mosaic pictures.
Fran and i played a word game; i told her the definition of nouns and verbs and then listed words and she told me which was which. Interesting conversations about words like “shop”, ones that can be both. Also, is there a different definition of “a dance” to “a table” – ie a noun that is a bit, oh erm… damn, can’t articulate it – but not exactly a thing, like a table is a thing.
Josie is the incredible moving child, doesn’t crawl or roll, but gets wherever she likes but a sort of invisible shuffle that involves a bit of lying down then getting back up. She is like a Mr Benn cartoon, just scenes in different places with no joining movements to be seen!
We’ve all been out to Activity World and Fran has been to Musical Theatre. This weekend we have to sort out the house but unfortunately i think i am coming down with tonsils again 🙁 On the upside i’m now lighter than i have been for 3 years. Still can’t work out how to put some perk back in my disgusting shaped tummy though.
Off to eat more of Max’s famous hazelnut pavlova. 😉