Things i’ve thought of while feeding Josie (again)
Some MP signs pointing people to the tents.
Whiteboard top and bottom.
Whiteboard Monitors to make sure they are up to date and have info on them.
A “Planning Select Committee” 😉
Sunday Morning Coffee Morning.
Monday Evening BBQ – occurred to me this could be hosted by the Statics and be by the beach – kills two birds with one stone – helps static people get to know each other planning, lets everyone identify each other, avoids everything landing on tents peoples shoulders.
MudPud Bud system (dunno who thoguht of that but its a good idea)
Tickets to pay for crafts up front, a marquee and some basic supplies.
Anymore anyone?
(Oh yeah, and having said all this, and given my organisational apathy, thank goodness i don’t have the global moral values of Bob Geldof. Hats off that man…)