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You scored as agnosticism. You are an agnostic. Though it is generally taken that agnostics neither believe nor disbelieve in God, it is possible to be a theist or atheist in addition to an agnostic. Agnostics don’t believe it is possible to prove the existence of God (nor lack thereof).
Agnosticism is a philosophy that God’s existence cannot be proven. Some say it is possible to be agnostic and follow a religion; however, one cannot be a devout believer if he or she does not truly believe.
Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)
created with QuizFarm.com
I suspect its a reflection on my current peer group that i have Christianity and Islam on the same % – dunno who will think that is funny, i think i do 🙂
I’ve spent my life surrounded by people who are more devout than me and all it ever does is make me feel confused and unsure. I’ve never felt like i didn’t want a Religion, i’ve just never found a branch of Christianity that suited me. When i first began to HE, i began to wonder if maybe i had some other paths to investigate, lately i’ve wondered it more.
There are things that bother me about Religions though; one is i have never really got my head around the notion that any incarnation of God would create people simply so they could worship their God, because i can’t see why a loving God would be egotistical in that way. Although, the concept explained me by Debbie the other day, makes a certain sense, regular prayer to centre oneself. Another is that i can’t understand why a Loving God would make failure to achieve Heaven/Salvation as the Default option. Why is it so hard? Why isn’t being good and kind and thoughtful, good enough? And then i worry about why Religion inspires so much hate and fear and war; why does it seem to be so hard to embrace the concept that maybe we ALL have it right and that the Divine Plan is for us all to realise that. Why is a notion of One God speaking with many voices to many cultures such a difficult thing?
And i worry about whether i’ve missed the point by even questioning it. But… why create a person with free thought if they aren’t going to question that which has no proof on the Earth they are on? WHY? I’d love it to be as simple as that i’m not interested. But i am. More than anything, i’d love to have joined all these people in my life, from teenage years to now, in the journey and spiritual trust that seems to carry them through so many things. But i can’t. It doesn’t make sense to me. I can see it making sense to lots of other people – i can see i’m baffled and they think i’m unenlightened, i can see its a concept that has bolstered our civilisation for thousands of years and i wonder what on earth i am missing. Its like i’m missing a lightbulb somewhere.
It bothers me. I wish it didn’t. I wish i’d had church going parents to follow or rebel against, i wish i’d been a Born Again teenager or a Buddist student, or a Pagan HEer, or anything. I’d love to feel that bowled over and encompassed by something that promised Eternal Salvation. But i don’t – there is just a hole and the older i get, the feeling that if i turned to anything now, i’d have a certain sceptical inner feeling that i was allowing myself to be swept by a tide.
Glad i got all that knawing self-doubt off my chest anyway.
I REALLY wish it didn’t bother me.