For starters, a recap. of Jax’s visit.
Which of course goes beautifully with this photo from Melrose.
This is Small having a Bob moment (it all got too much…)
And this is a dvd moment when it got to much for everyone!
Today. Today was Maddy’s day and she deserves a good write up. She seemed particularly clued up today. First of all, she suddenly discovered she could do a “g” the “grown up way” and showed me very proudly, then she asked me to write some words for her. When i wrote mummy, she looked at it, covered the -my and said “this bit is the ‘mum’ bit” then swapped her hand and said “and this bit is the ‘meee’ bit” *impressed* Then she did Studydog for a while, having booted Fran off the computer, then she asked to draw and did this:
The man in the moon. This prompted some questions about “the blue planet” – she and i talked for a while, Fran joined in and we had various “why don’t we feel it moving/fly off/ go upside down” conversations, including a demo with the gym ball and a large tennis ball. Maddy asked to make a book, so we printed off the “search image” page of Google if we searched for “globe” chose some to print bigger and she (and in the end both others) spent a happy hour cutting, gluing and arranging pictures. Plenty more room for discussion there; some pics had weather on them, or various other effects. Made for an interesting morning. (Very homeschool mumma)
This is the front of Maddys book – she traced “Blue Planet. The Earth” on to it after a minor meltdown about not being able to, then added a “The” all by herself. She and i also spent lots of time playing with various letters and words on paper. Without doubt her crowing moment was when she carefully wrote out (to my gobsmacked amazement, i didn’t know she could!) S-M-A-Y. Then she said “I think this is how you spell ‘Samaya’, am i right?”. I nearly hit the floor. I said it was close and asked her if she could think what else she needed and she knew where else it needed a sound but wasn’t quite sure what sound to add. She was everso proud.
Fran had a funny old day. Her gap tooth is about to wobble out and its made her quite emotional this evening. Its made me emotional too actually; that tooth is the one that says it all to me really, when it goes, phase 1 is sort of over, when it grows back, we’ll start to have an idea of what we are dealing with for the future. I can’t really get my head around the fact that she isn’t going to grow a normal top row of teeth for some reason. However, today she did lots of crafty things, including designing these mats, which i am going to use as pattern suggestions on BeadMerrily for the billion and one small maxi beads squares and blister packs i need to sell!
She also did some more twiddle necklaces, still very impressed with mine, its a perfect handful for a babe with just enough to swish around. I think i’ve emailed everyone who offered to buy one but if you think you’d like and i missed you, you can get her at – i’ll be monitoring that one and closing it in a day or two, so it doesn’t worry me to put it here.
Then i taught her to plait using the Scoubis i got from ebay, she’s highly delighted with that skill….
And because i forgot to blog it, here is a collection of the box panels she did which are now her money box. She’s made me laugh all day too by doing tap dancing moves all over the house; she barely sits still as it is, now she fidgets with rhythm!
Josie has two major achievements today – performing in front of Tammy (we also fitted in visitors!) and clapping in response to being clapped at – very clever baby, did it straight away. And this evening she got from sitting to her tummy… wail… (This picture is her in clothes, doesn’t happen often…)
And playing – another bead frame lover.
Ammi – hmmm.. joined in the globe stuff, did millions of bead patterns, adored Sam, stayed naked. In fact, the were all in the garden loads today, its been a really full day. And oh how i laughed at Tammy turning up with muffins – she is such a Prairie Muffin Wannabee 😉