TT came today so theoretically my house should be really tidy. I worked all day but it doesn’t seem to look much better. Oh well, tomorrow is another day.
Fran made some really cute necklaces today, designed to be twiddle necklaces for feeding babies. Tried to flog them for her for £1inc p&p on the bfing list but no takers sadly; she’s a bit gutted. I might fake it for her tbh, because i love mine and so does Josie. She also did her normals, got hacked off with Animal Crossing cos the shop was closed again, tidied her room and they all played a lot.
I feel unreasonably exhausted and grouchy, so i’m off to bed. All i’ve done is shout, only just clawing it back with jigsaws and stories at bedtime. Ho hum. And my temporary filling dropped out.