Slow start, Kate came round, throat has kindly subsided, J appeared. Still v quiet, slightly baffling me. Big girls did some studydog, geomags, made necklaces, hama-ed, played ponies.
Had lunch, marshalled everyone out. Had a lovely time with Tammy and Sam – somehow where they live feels like a totally different town. Effected an interesting and mutually beneficial items swap with them.. lol. Drove home with Fran begging to be allowed to join the Kumon Maths class she saw advertised *rolls eyes*
Girls played Donkey Kong Bongos, i packed parcels. Really feeling quite low and rubbish so i’ll leave it there. Don’t have to hug me, i bore myself tbh. I’m in danger of spending the rest of my life as a kill joy misery guts. *sods off to pity self*