Its a BAD thing if you are screaming at your children by 9am. But it happens i guess. its a bad thing to have full on PMT for more or less the first time since before i conceived Amelie, an effect of the Implanon implant that i quite liked was not getting PMT, plus a couple of pregnancies, etc etc… So really, its taking some getting used to. Its a pretty bad thing if the combination of a whole heap of things that HAVE to get done converge so that you spend the day before your chioldren all go away for a weekend being grumpy with them and drinking neat Rescue Remedy and its an awful thing when your business has to impinge on “home together” time so that you find yourself saying “I’m sorry, i can’t teach you any reading or writing Maddy, i have to do parcels.”
However its VERY rare that that happens and it was more a series of unfortunate events that brought it together; no that’s not true, it was a series of really nice events i’d made an effort to take the children to that meant i’d got behind and HAD to do them in the middle of the day. Hm. So not so bad actually.
If i’d taken photos of yesterday it would just have proved how different one day is to the next. Fran built herself a baby nursery and played dollies all morning, Amelie played Barbies (so actually much the same as every day really!) and Maddy, i suddenly realised was mooching. She has been VERY tense this week, crying at the least thing, lolling in doorways, needing lots of cuddles, getting upset at sensory things like sun on her hair and bright lights.
So anyway, she uttered this sentence that i couldn’t oblige and answer, but i put on Studydog “I’m going to do Level 1 and 2 and 3!” and she played very happily with that until it was time to leave. I peeped over her shoulder and saw her revising the letter levels, which she always starts with and then doing lots of the much more complex levels really well. Its helping her enormously, just as it helped Fran. its a great piece of software. Still think its funny how much the little boy on the site looks like Just-another-morning-Joe though!
Kate came and saved the day for a bit too, so i got my sanity back (think possibly i hadn’t had enough tea) and then i scooped up the pile of parcels that had needed doing, thanks to a recommendation on the childminders list (fab!) and off we went. We used my Nana’s as a drop off point as she lives near where my mum was working that day and had a nice time chatting with her while the children were perfectly adorable. And we had a cool reading moment on the way up; a good one, given we were doing 65mph; “Mummy, what does I-N-N mean?” I explained and asked why? To which fran replied “Well, that sign said Blue Cow Inn and the other one says The Fox Inn.” Hurrah, reading at speed!
I pootled pleasantly back, realising that Leicestershire, where i grew up, is really quite idyllic and i never noticed it (you have to live in Peterborough to appreciate anywhere else i think!) and i even came up with an idea for a novel while i was going along. I had the stangest set of brief thoughts; passed a van like the Portico’s and wondered if it was fixed, passed a speed camera a moment later and thought of Sarah having to go on the M4 at 70mph then realised there was “something” funny about the other carriageway… no cars, sh*t a car on its roof, sh*t a person on the side of the road, cars still coming to a halt no more than 3 cars back from the accident and a whole group of people standing with their heads in the hands just looking at the person.
I feel really horrid because i’ve stopped at loads of accidents in my life, i’ve always been an able first aider and i’m pretty good at keeping my head, but it was on the other carriageway and i had Josie with me and i couldn’t justify the risk of crossing the carriageway. No one was doing anything to help, so presumably there was nothing to do or they didn’t know how; it was just before my exit and i drove back into town just waiting to see the police and ambulance go past. Which they did. You can say a lot about this country but at least mostly you can rely on an ambulance in a hurry if you really need one. Ambulances still make me go cold since i had to go to hospital in one when Amelie was on her way. Accidents just screw me up completely; i had to go round the next two roundabout twice because i messed up what lanes i was in; i probably do those roundabouts 4 times a week.
Heigh ho. I’m hoping the person was alright, i didn’t see anything about the A1 being closed, but it didn’t look especially good 🙁
MUST NOT shout at the children next week.