Sometime this morning i was thinking with pleasure that Maddy was in her last term at nursery and it would be nice not to have to faff about it anymore. Sometime this afternoon, i bagged the second to last place there next year fro Amelie. No idea why, sometime i think i have a split personality. Oh well, we shall see. Actually.. how young do boarding schools take them?
Yesterday was okay… TT was here and as the girls were all playing happily, she did some sorting of receipts for me. So mostly it all went along very smoothly, some reading, some drawing, lots of playing… all the mundane stuff that makes blogging rather, er… mundane.
Today, this terms student started. Nice girl, quietish, we’ll call her J. Fran did her box, some blue level language materials, some reading, lots of playing.. blah blah… tidied their room, i fretted about my computer.
Now its got 160gb hard drive, surely even i can’t clog that up?
Thank you Khadijah for saving my neck by doing the printing for me!!!!