Took Fran into dancing today and she was greeted by a chorus of “hello’s” from allsorts of other kids. Guess she doesn’t have a problem with socialisation then. I can relax about having wrecked her chance to be “normal” ;~)
TT was here today so i fed Josie a lot and tidied up a bit so now i feel a bit better. Off to watch Fran’s show tomorrow and see Tammy and Sam then – hurrah! its the weekend again.
Maddy has asked lots of interesting questions today, in particular, how did i get my baby eggs into my tummy: her face when i told her she already had hers, was a picture!
Josie is playing with a rattle, she hasn’t rolled yet, thoguh she is half way over occasionally. All the others were crawling by now, lol. Ammi is looking very gorgeous.
My friend rang up today for advice – how fab did i feel being able to listen and know EXACTLY the problem (green poo, windy baby, too much milk, always hungry) and be able to help.
I watching Life Before Birth and horribly broody…