I upgraded Firefox and it magically resurrected all the bookmarks it had lost during its last two crashes. I so confused now….
Max has been at home all day feeling really poorly. Coming to the conclusion i had flu last week, with added tonsilitis, as that certainly seems to be what is afflicting him Minus the boil. Anyway, in my new stance as happy, loving and grateful wife, i have been ministering thoughtfully to him. He does look a bit rough.
Today the TT was here and now she has the measure of Amelie and Fran, its working really well. The house is clean (well, okay, tidyish), the washing away, the kitchen IS clean and i feel SO much better. More importantly the girls had a REALLY nice day doing things that don’t really pull my string; playing with Barbies, playing board games and just general supervised silliness, which meant they were happy and i didn’t get stressed by them making more mess. TT did a great job and is having an influence as Fran and Maddy played board games at bedtime tonight. For the first time in ages, i’m planning interesting stuff to do tomorrow because i feel like everything else is under control.
Collected Maddy, who is doing so well at signing – she was showing me yellow banana and red apple today and buzzed off to a party which they really enjoyed. Chatted to D and started to have some plans for a bit of joint effort with the three big girls we have between us.
I’m putting together some stuff on Australia for tomorrow now – got this idea to do a series of posters, based around maps, of different aspects of Australia – animals, environments, landmarks etc Found this site (dredging up a post of Joyce’s in my mind) so any ideas of how to bring it alive and combine history, culture and geography would be good!
Didn’t seem to get very far down my list but at least i’ve written it, so its not clogging up my brain. Have posted my HESFES form though.
Edit: Oh yes, Ammi excelled hersef by shrieking solidly between 12 and 2.30am last night. Really starting to wonder if she is ill….