I was vaguely aware of my children working diligently on handmade gifts this morning, so i eventually roused from my sleep-in to be greeted with a cup of tea and an avalanche of paper, pictures, an illustrated story from Fran, lovely writing from Maddy and cards made at Rainbows :~)
Mum and dad came down for the day, so that mainly involved lots of cuddles for little girls and pasting my dad at Mario Kart. Gave my mum a lesson in platonic solids with geomag (she now wants to know if you can have a polyhedric relationship?!?!?!?!??!) but its the first time i’ve ever taught her something mathematical, so that was quite gratifying. The geomags stayed out and the girls played with them quite a bit.
Max has got my lurgy now and is burning up in bed. Poor him. Fran has just tucked the middle two up in bed in her bed, put on Peter Pan on cd and done a brilliant job on tidying their room before getting in with them. Bless her.
Just harvesting clipart for projects this week. Ammi has had a tantrum free day, phew. Josie sucked her thumb for the first time.
Happy Mothers Day everyone.