Excellent. A day that ends with you finding a fiver unexpectedly in your backpocket is always a good one. Having working vocal chords is good too.
And generally it was a much better day. Bit of Shrek to warm up and they solved several new problems , then we put CBBC class tv on and Fran particularly enjoyed the history programme, she watched that twice. The negative numbers thing was good too as we could certainly relate it to a real thing, the occasions when i oversell stock and have to await my delivery. That seemed to make sense to them. It touched on temperature too, i really must do measurement with Fran.
Maddy had got bored of schools tv before Fran so she sat and did the Exeter maths year 1 book with me. She has done 8 pages in 2 sittings, adores it, grasps it instantly. (Thank you, thank you, Alison and Sarah) She blew me away with the greater than/less than thing today. She doesn’t need any explanation at all. She didn’t want to do anything else after this but entertained Ammi beautifully while Fran and i worked.
Gave Fran a bit of a workout today; lots of times tables (the door chart is really working), some writing (Getty Dubay is popular), some spellings and then some maths which we did together. Her reading of maths related words is great now so we’ve stopped using year 1 books (her fave atm is CGP Mental Maths workouts) and moved on to Yr 2 ones. They really don’t stretch anything but her reading and comprehension but maybe that is okay. She likes the Exeter maths too, Yr 2 for her.
After that we decided to get on with a bit of Egypt and make a start on the pasta jewellery. It worked okay, although with poster paints it doesn’t look much like it did in the book – but they really enjoyed doing it; i might make them some fimo beads actually to make it a bit more authentic and lasting. Maddy was looking at her Egyptology book and tracing the River Nile on the map – i could hear her muttering things we had talked about to herself :~)
After that i left them watching rental dvds – i may have to insert a rant here later – while i did parcels. But yes, things are better.