…is verifiably on its last legs. Doc says one more lot of this and i go straight back on the “whip ’em out” list :~/ Either than or i can self-medicate by maintaining a perpetual pregnancy. *Max faints* he’s given me a prescription of antibiotics but the strong stuff is off limits due to the mammary addicted nipper. Actually, its improved quite a bit this afternoon so i am really hoping i’ve beaten it myself – i’m going to wait till tomorrow to start the ABs. If i can, i’d rather spare Josie the secondary dose and spare both of us the liberal dose of thrush it will bring on. I’m sure my body stands a better chance of not getting it repeatedly if it can build up its own antibodies.
Absolutely no education today at all. Ammi and Fran played ponies and watched old videos, Josie and I languished, Maddy went to nursery and killed her trainers. Now they are at dancing. So much for a better week *rolls eyes*
On the upside, Max has just told me i’ve lost loads of weight and look great. S’not all bad :~D