Strange thing to feel proud of, but i just thought i’d share a PMM.
Fran was doing some of the word building things in the back of the JP book. it gives a picture and the newly learned sounds and they have to build the words. Anyway, the sounds were ee, oa, ie and something else and one of the pictures was of feet but with very pronounced toes; it fooled me for a moment anyway. I’d left Fran doing it and when i came back she had written “toas” (toes) – i thought that was pretty good really; a sort, i know what i’m doing but i’m not sure what is gonig on so this is the closest i can get it, type of thing.
Anyway, today has mainly consisted of Maddy at nursery, Fran and i tidying their room, box work, some knitting, sewing cards with Ammi, a bit of drawing, tap and ballet and taking Button to the vet for jabs. Josie has slept all day pretty much so i could be on for my first ever broken night from her. I’ve managed to mostly do most of my jobs for today and tomorrow but not really finished any of them. Still, house seems cleanish.
I’ve slightly failed Ammi today and she and i have been at odds. Must try harder.