Not really the same burst of activity happening here that seems to be erupting elsewhere, but an enjoyable day nonetheless. I had intended to leap back into the “normals” today but i had a mass of parcels to do that i hadn’t gone done yesterday because Josie had wanted feeding all evening. max needed to take the rabbit to the vets this evening so i had to get them done. Rather than shoving them all elsewhere while i worked, we put on all of the Hans Christian Anderson videos and watched them while i packed. They have been listening to his stories in the evenings too, so we had quite a lot of them to chat about. Fran loves The Little Match Girl (“its happy/sad”) and we both nearly cried at The Fir Tree. I’ve been to HCA’s house and have lots of photos of it and Denmark so we decided to explore that as a topic a bit. I’d quite like to go back actually (i could visit Hama HQ at the same time!!!!!!) talking of Hama, they’ve discontinued the CD-Rom… can’t believe it. They’ve also brought out a frog board and a whale and turtle for maxi. I’m ordering them tomorrow and i’m going to sell them for January and give the profits to the Tsunami Fund.
Anyway, parcels done, we played geomags for a bit (our carry case arrived to keep them in today!) I also found the geomags website which looks like it might be quite new. Hope they get some interesting stuff up on it. A “projects” page is sorely needed i reckon.
The girls had done all sorts of games first thing so since they had been good we got out the long awaited Rainbow Art set that their step-grandmother got them. They’d been begging for this from NickJr but i’d said no, mainly cos it was £20 plus p&p – well L bought it for them and it was quite fun and not too messy either. It claims to teach children the properties of colour mixing and geometric shapes, but i think they may have oversold themselves there ;~) Still, much fun was had. Fran was feelnig very arty today, she did a lovely mosaic page in a colouring book and decided she wanted to get “really good at painting.” That might take some time but this was a good start.
Amelie playing puppet theatres
Finished off tonight with a bit of Spike Milligan (thanks for all the suggestions everyone) and the story of Esther. Just Jonah to go and we’ve “finished” the OldTestament. I’m not so keen on the New Testament, never have been. I wonder if this means i ought to be Jewish?!?!?!
Maddy is desperate to do some baking and i’ve failed to achieve it for the last 4 days with her. Tomorrow, must do it tomorrow.
Might also have to go to the docs as Ammi’s skin looks infected to me. Maddy survived Christmas pretty well, her hands are raw and i reckon she washes them 20 times a day at the moment, plus she has some new toilet malarky going on but she is robust enough now that i can be fairly “just get over it” with her and she does. Which is good. She is doing a lot of “roaring” – just turning her head to the ceiling and bellowing rather than crying when she doesn’t like how things are going but equally, you can pretty much snap her out of it. She can’t wait for Centerparcs; not sure what she is going to make of everyone being there though, should be interesting!
Oh yeah, sent in the report with a “here are your options and i know i’m giving you more than you are entitled to so don’t try it” covering letter.