The MP ones are in envelopes, the family ones are assembled, my Neopian ones are sent, the washing is done, the children seem happy… all been quite productive. Maddy had a nice day at nursery, Fran played DK History Explorer and conquered several time zones, Ammi is a bit hot and lay on the sofa most of the day, Josie slept. So a bit nonsescript and unreportable really.
Fran did seem to have mulled on and grasped the ten on, ten back concept anyway and did some time stuff, some times tables, some writing and so on. We were just sat at the table both working and it was all very cheerful. The history cd really grabbed her though and she has latched on to the Egyptians and Incas in a big way, excellent as i have stuff hoarded for both of those. Plus they will fit into Story of the World nicely, which i really want to get into. I do love the whole “classical education” ideal – not necessarily in its strict form but the “stuff” is so interesting. Can’t quite see myself wading through “The Well Trained Mind” yet though…
Rest of the week is busy now – Maddy’s singing thing tomorrow, HE party in the afternoon, Rainbows, a Santa trip and some playing on Thursday, Maddy’s party on Friday and then up to cool off for them with my family. So i can tidy the house for a house inspection… *rolls eyes* and also make a few pressies and stuff. Max wrapped everything last night though so next week should be quite chilled. We’;ve got one other party, at the old fave play centre Playstop. I’d stopped going as it used to cap the age range at 5 but i went in today to pay for the party and they have raised the age so 6 year olds can play. Obviously we have wasted half a year though. Bother.
Max just found this place, Woolsthorpe Manor after it was recommended. Could be interesting as Isaac Newton is on Max’s family tree and i had planned on using him as part of our family tree project.