Maths goals for Yr 2 according to NC in UK
* count, read, write and order numbers up to 100 – work on read and write
* count up and down in ones or tens from any two-digit number – check 10’s
* double or halve numbers up to 10 – just checked, she can!
* say if a number is odd or even – really must teach them this!
* split a two digit number into tens and units – yes
* know her two and 10 times tables – yes
* understand that subtraction is the inverse of addition (ie that if 3+7=10, then it follows that 10-3=7) and that addition can be done in any order (e.g 8+2 is easier than 2+8) – yes
* know the pairs of numbers in 10s that make 100 (e.g. 30+70 = 100) – yes
* know how to add and subtract up to at least 10 (6+4=10; 7-4=3 etc.) – yes
* know the correct names for 2D and 3D shapes including: pyramid, cylinder, octagon, hexagon, pentagon… – must get those montessori solids sometime!
* understand terms like right angles, half turns and three quarters turns measure and weigh objects – work on this.
* use a ruler to draw a line of a given length – do this
* Solve ‘real life’ maths problems including using £ and p. (knowing £2.25 = £2 and 25p) and be able to explain how the problem was solved. – yes
* tell the time to the half and quarter hour – yes
So – for Fran
*Do odd and even Montessori activities.
*Do some Montessori Shape and solid activities.
*Do some basic geometry.
*Do some measuring and ruler work.
Not bad for essentially what we need to cover in the next 9 months and that isn’t even allowing for the fact she is 9 months younger than some Year 2 kids. Who needs numeracy hour!
Literacy Goals for Yr 1 according to NC in UK
I’m looking at Yr 1 here because i know she is a long way behind the Yr 2 ones so i figure we might as well tick these first!
# Break down common words into their component sounds (sound out) in order to read and spell them. – yes
# read familiar common words (e.g only, going, don’t, once, would) – would be useful to find a word list here and practise some of the un-sound-out-able ones.
# read and spell simple words ending in -ck, -ff, -ll, -ss, -ng (e.g lock, stuff) – yes, as far as the reading schemes we use go.
# recognise spelling patterns with long vowel sounds ‘oo’, ‘ai’, ‘ie’, ‘oa’, ‘ee’ (e.g boat, book) and use them to read and spell. – seemed to be doing this with the JP video!
# understand the terms vowel and consonant – MUST teach her this!
# write independently – getting there.
# understand if his reading makes sense – yes
# read simple familiar texts aloud with expression – yes
# understand basic word order in a sentence – yes
# add question marks to questions – yes
# compare oral and written stories and know the difference – eh? (i think i thoguht that before too!)
# retell stories, picking out key points – yes
# read a variety of poems and contrast them and talk about common themes – yes
# write simple stories and poems (often based on something read in class) – crumbs.. really?
# recognise the difference between non-fiction books and fiction – yes
# identify simple questions and use texts to find the answers – not yet.
I think so far as all that goes we just need to keep on, keeping on.
Literacy Goals for Yr 2 according to NC in UK
For use for me to look forward.
* use capitals, full-stops, commas and question marks
* spell common words e.g. boy, brother, again, people, down, school, where, many, because, went, should) as well as days of the week, months of the year, numbers to twenty, common colours and his name and address.
* know how to join letters up (the first stage of joined up writing)
* understand why basic punctuation is necessary
* understand how writing is used for a huge range of things, including stories, messages and instructions
* tell the ending from the beginning of a story
* build a story
* have a basic understanding of how word order affects meaning; how some words rhyme; understand characters and be able to get basic information from non-fiction books
* take part in role play, showing a range of emotions
* comment on drama and how it appeals to different emotions and uses different ways of speaking