I phoned my midwife this morning to get her to get me a prescription for oral/nipple thrush for me and Josie to save me going into the docs when i knew what it was.
A bit later the receptionist phoned back to say that i had been prescribed canesten for me by a female locum doctor, an oral remedy for Josie but under no circumstances must i feed her from the affected nipple while using canesten on it. i said “well that’s no good, its both sides!” and the receptionist said “oh, well you’ll have to swap to bottle feeding then.”
Now fortunately i’ve had this twice before, i know perfectly well there is a applicable nipple treatment, i know its name and i made her go back and get it prescribed by the dumb doctor who ought to have known better.
But if that had happened when i was feeding Maddy, it would have been the end of breastfeeding her. What flipping awful, stupid, useless advice. Its not even nearly on for that sort of thing to be happening. How many peoples breastfeeding get ruined by that sort of idiocy?
Why have you got two sets of comments running?