It was tap dancing today – “Jack-and-Jill” is what you can hear them chanting as they step-hop around the room. Fran certainly loves it, Maddy isn’t quite sure yet but despite being very tired from nursery, she did want to go, so i think that is okay. She seemed perfectly happy today anyway and is curently cuddled down in bed admiring the David and Goliath sticker book. I can’t get those anymore, which is a shame because i wish i had got two of each now. Sainsbury’s used to be great for stuff like that but i haven’t seen anything worthwhile there recently.
Anyway. Auntie Kate came round first thing and sat with Fran while she did her writing – which meant it was utterly beautiful! lol! After which we didn’t fancy anything else “proper” so Fran did some bead designs and then made her own and i finished my Xmas project for BM – hopefully the first of several anyway and Kate made the highly lovely hedgehog from one of the books. I shall have to upload it later, along with several others i have hoarded if Josie lets me. She fed till 1.30am last night but then slept through to 8am, good girl i say. I DO love being able to feed her while snoozing, what a difference to the long nights sat up with Fran and a bottle.
Hmmmm… what else, i know we DID do other things??? Oh, my bead delivery arrived and Fran and i spent plenty of time unpacking that and practising tables – you can get 5’s, 10’s, 6’s and 2’s out of a bead delivery! Oh, we started looking at some reptile drawing in DWN and have those earmarked for tomorrow but really today was one of those laid-back-but-worked-okay days. Max got home at lunch and helped out with general playing while i sent out my back orders, Fran was just generally busy, Ammi was gorgeous… i’m filling here a bit aren’t i?
Perhaps i’ll just stop and go and work out how to do photos!!!!!
For Bible story sticker books you could try your local Christian bookshop.
Yay! is my order in there too?? {{grin}} I know they’re supposed to be for xmas, but I can’t wait to get Dan started on the maxi beads! LOL!
p.s. Amy’s made that hedgehog too – it’s very cute and is up on Grandmas wall, nestling amongst some leaves from the garden!!
yay you’re back! glad you’ve had a good day :O) I quite fancy getting our beads out now you’ve mentioned it again!