A slightly extended yesterday.
I’ve got a lovely new computer. Its got new processor, motherboard, graphics card and memory and just for a novelty, its also got a keyboard with letters on it. I’ve even got 6 USB points, so i shall have to find more gadgets to plug into those!!!!.
I just wanted to blog properly about Amelie really. She is lovely atm. Added to the fact that she is wonderful with Josie and hasn’t been remotely jealous, she is just so interesting and interested. She is obsessed with who is a boy or girl and goes through everyone she knows categorising them Which is very cute. She is trying really hard to remember about knickers and toilets, she loves counting and her role playing is amazing. Yesterday she and i spent ages playing a game where we caught, crunched and swallowed a frog, then burped it back up again and her miming was brilliant – i could SO see that frog!!!! She has another one which involves a balloon (specifically a Nemo balloon) which we blow up, float, nearly get pulled away by and then pop and she just does it so well. I can really see her wanting to tread the boards :~D
I’m going to have to have a bit of a rant about Maddy at some point, well more an anxious ponder, but it can wait.
Best news of yesterday was that my brother has been offered his dream phd at Edinburgh. i couldn’t really see him working… hopefully that means i’ll be doing lots of trips to Scotland and he should be there by melrose too. Fab!