Surprisingly good.
Oddly, i don’t seem to be able to remember this morning…. ummmmm….. oh yes. Josie slept pretty much all night, just waking about 5 for a quick feed and then slept in till 10am. Which worked rather well as it meant i got to do a couple of loads of washing and hoover the main room.
After that Fran did what i’ve come to the conclusion is a useful “daily minimum” at the moment. A page of JP, a sentence of free writing, a couple of reading books while perched on the arm of the chair i was feeding Josie on and a page of sums. She seems to quite like doing that as a little set piece and it works for me because her writing/reading has slowed lately and i’m feeling frustration creep in for both of us. After that she played Zoombinis, Ammi played Winnie the Pooh and then my computer started to get some sort of slow degenerative disease – the sound and LAN have expired so i’m going to have to save up for an overhaul. Still, while nice-Steve-the-computer-man was here we did negotiate a basic computer for £60 for the girlies to have stashed in a corner. I can’t decide where to put it really – it won’t have net access but i like it that they play in the evening so i am slightly dubious about them having it in their room. Not sure, will have to ponder….
For now, i have Max’s wireless thingy anyway but that does mean i now only have one spare USB port which means either printer or camera but not both without the woeful leaning over and unplugging things scenario. So if you could all place some bead orders please, so i can save up the required £150!
Anyway, having accomplished a few basics Auntie Kate arrived and we all played some more. Then she and Fran went out to Homebase and got us a load of bulbs to plant out tomorrow, including some hyacinths to do in water. Speaking of plants, the avocado seems to have a load of little black flies around it – any ideas how i get rid?
Also on the Auntie Kate list was a mirror tile to stick above the girls coat hooks – so now, in true Monrtessori style, they have coats, hanging up hairbrushes, a mirror and an easily accessible flannel to make sure they are presentable before they go anywhere. We shall see if it works. I’ve now got 3 spare mirror tiles to try and do something arty with. Ideas anyone?
More visits in the shape of Auntie Sue (who Josie has a middle name for) and then i did my parcels, horrifyingly busy which is quite scary, especially as i am desperate for a stock delivery which i ought to have ordered before i had Josie and slightly forgot to. So now i wait and try to decide whether to close until it arrives. Hm.
The big event of the day was TAP DANCING!!!!!!!!!!!! Much excitement, made even better for Fran by discovering that her class is populated by an ex-playgroup mate and a Rainbows mate, so she was in heaven. The teacher was lovely and it sounded like a lot of fun – they were tapping away to the “You’ve got a friend in me” song from Toy Story. Much better than the stuffy ballet class Fran used to go to. Maddy was a little unsure because she “couldn’t do it” but is happy to go back and try again. She did manage to ask to come out for a wee, which given she wet herself twice at nursery today was pretty good really. Anyway, Fran was utterly delighted by the entire event and i was very proud of Maddy for being so relaxed about going in and getting on with it.
Other news – Maddy has a boyfriend called Mohammed and Max picked her up this afternoon and found her in his arms in the playground. Ahem. Oh yes, and the BBC want us to be the “established HE family we take Katy to visit” which is very funny really. I better declutter…