Ah – that would be the Day 7/8 growth spurt then!!!!
I reckon i have spent about 20 minutes non car time unplugged from Josie since 2.30am! She must have been drinking non-stop. You have to worry about a child so milk obsessed that she will continue to drink while being sick through her nose… still she has finally given up and gone to sleep, milk leaking from her ears. Thank goodness the soreness had subsided or today would have been horrid. As it was i just spent the day on my mum’s sofa, chatting to my sister! Nobody saw much of Josie though, apart from one ear!!! her cord came off today – another little milestone :~) *gives wobbly smile* Definitely only cried once today though, and that was while talking birth stories with my sister – maybe i’ll give that subject a erm… wide berth… for a while.
Had a lovely day anyway – felt lovely to pack all six of us into the nice big car and go off. Rowan is lovely, seems a very relaxed baby to me so everyone enjoyed theselves and the big three had a ball. Moo is still finding it hard to relax which is making me feel a bit sad, but Ammi was in her element. She is SO cheeky!
Ammi doing a Carol Smilie impression! 5 cousins all together….
Mum INSISTED on this photo!
My dad and Rowan.
Auntie G and Uncle D under a pile of my girls!!!!!!