The rest of today.
I’ve been a vertiable dripping tap today – fortunately i have been able to blame at least SOME of it on the cold and the girls seem faintly oblivious to me anyway.
The trip to the Mat Unit started fairly badly because it took me an hour to get parked – 3 point turns not being my favourite thing in a large, newish car surrounded by breakable objects, i was “fairly stressed” by the end of that. Plus i was, on several occasions, beaten into spaces by 12 year old boy racer new fathers laden with pink balloons in old style ford fiestas. Grrr. Since i was already stressed by Max being incommunicardo thanks to our local transmitter catching fire and collapsing (so NO T-Mobile and NO BBC Radio!!!!) i was not very happy.
Consequently i had missed my consultant, who had gone off to patch up some horrible gynacological happening and then there was the lady in the next cubicle who’s baby clearly no longer had a findable heartbeat and the rising panic/horror of that all made nice listening to. So that was all positive :~(
My consultant had left a list of things to check with the instructions that if any of them were severely amiss to say that her advice was for a wednesday section. So i had a scan (still plenty of fluid and the nice lady could see i was in a major state and even tried to get me a “i can’t comment but you can look” look between the legs but its got its knees firmly together) was monitored (lots of kicks and definitely a nice beating heart) and then a very thorough sweep, except there ain’t a lot to sweep. And then the midwife, who i generally have liked whenever i have seen her over the last 6 years, said she had booked me in for friday; i threw a wobbly, she crossed it out. I came home, phoned up and rebooked it for all the reasons in the below post.
I’m still really really hoping it will just come – the girls are going to go to mum and dad’s on thursday night as i guess that is last gasp moment. You never know. I’m pretty determined that if/when i go on friday, i will make them examine me and if i am even close to dilating, i’ll agree to a drip and a monitor (so we can change tack in a moment if required) if they will agree to breaking my waters to just see if they can get it started. I know they can’t use prostin and thats fine by me but that c/s is going to have to be after they have triple checked there is no other way forward. I’m seeing my consultant on wednesday so i can talk more about that with her i guess. In the meantime, i’m choosing monitoring every day and i’m going to have a sweep every day too and just hope that something happens to the good.
Kate had had a good morning with the girls; lots of drawing, lots of house cleaning (how come SHE can do this with 3 kids about???) and general jollity. She had even made proper dinner. I really must read less blogs…
The local EWO picked a potentially rotten day to phone but i’m feeling quite friendly towards him as kate told him where i was and he said “oh well, she won’t want me phoning then; i’ll ring back in a couple of months.” A human EWO perhaps? So far, everyone seems to have quite liked him anyway. I’ll send in my ed phil anyway and he can meet me if he feels the urge. Moo refused nursery today – doesn’t want to go in the taxi – well frankly tough, i don’t want to drive you, so no taxi, no nursery.
So then i decided to take them all out and we went to soft play. Ammi managed to get into near death situations twice in places i definitely couldn’t have got to but Fran was a star and rescued her. She is a great big sister.
Oh yeah, i ordered a Huggababy sling – they had an offer on for 2 “seconds” for less money and as i had been sling raving to my sister, we decided to get a couple. Pure unadulterated retail therapy, as i don’t need one and could have borrowed Jax’s!!! Well, you can never have too many slings, as the saying goes…. BUT – what is that net one people used to have – i assumed it was a Wilkinet but that isn’t it at all….