Completely nothing day. Girls have been remarkably patient really but are all feeling the heat a bit. Maddy has needed almost constant cuddles and a lot of milk. Fran seems to be very easily moved to tears and Ammi just keeps shrieking. Still, i did manage to clear out the cupboard a bit better so i have more access to the crafty stuff. Must USE some of it.
They have spent the day in costume and we have only had 3 lots of treaters, all very amiable ones, although i obviously overestimated the school children of Peterborough by putting a sign on the door telling them where they had to go to get their treats. Reading not a skill they practise around here perhaps?
This one was the best i managed. I think it comes as no surprise that for most attempts of this photo, Amelie upended herself as i took it to give me a full naked shot of her bum. We are going to have trouble with that girl.
Applebobbing – actually Ams was quickest at this; i think she chased it al lthe way down to the bottom!
Candlelit feast last night. Just your average dinner really, but a lovely occasion somehow.
Not entirely sure where the “n” went – but Fran did choose the colours herself. I definitely recommend felt tip pens for decorating salt dough.
Cactus and Pilgrims from DWN.
I’ve got a cold, which is deeply unfair and also a rather odd thing on my knee which HURTS. I am NOT amused.