I’ll just wait then shall i?
Grin… ah well.
Today has really been quite okay. I’m not sure quite how it happened but Max was certainly doing something very educational with Fran this morning. It started with her building a lego Roman Bath, evolved into a website search on Romans (thereby managing to impress him by my Roman page coming up quite high on google!) turned into a discussion on Parliaments and the Story of London and eventually evolved into a look at Castles. Which meant dragging out honeymoon pictures which have us taking a six week old Fran to Harlech, Conway and one other castle. I popped out and when i came back he had got out paint and they were busy painting the component parts of a castle model they had cut out from cereal packets. Way to go, Max i say!
Fran has since continued with the Roman building and Maddy was busy with bricks too; Ammi spent ages with a marble run so all in all its been a very “construction orientated” sort of a day. I’m sure there is room to put that in an educational category somewhere. Plus i have plans for all those topics for the winter so it should lead nicely into some of our books shortly.
Maddy and i went out together and bought a nappy bucket as well as taking more parcels to the PO. I’m trying not to shut BM if i can possibly manage it so i’m keeping really up to date so i’m not fretting about parcels while in the labour ward! And since then i have been BeadingMerrily to try and get a Halloween page together for BM before the end of the night.
I’m not holding out any hope of a baby before Monday that is for sure but i can aim for both Max’s brother’s and my brother’s birthdays next week, so that will be a challenge!