Feeling most odd this evening. Having gone to bed at 8.30 last night for no good reason except i wanted to be snuggled up, tonight i have felt very shaky and sicky and my boobs are hurting under my arms. The BHs are certainly gearing up a notch but its harder to work out where the baby is exactly. Can’t be that long now i guess.
Zoe was supposed to be here today; she turned up but looked awful, so i took her home and told her to get some sleep. I admired the effort of getting here though, she was not a well girl. (Hope your internet is back on tonight Zoe!) Ammi was delighted to see her today though, even briefly.
Fran and i did a quick bit of reading and writing first (but it was very quick) and then we went to Tesco; i handed in my letter of complaint and then shopped for bits and bobs in general. Spent a lot of money for not really buying anything. We did look at, and buy, some JP workbooks as Fran liked the look of them (writing is her favourite atm apparently) and she was taken with the idea that a couple of her friends like them.
Then we popped in for tea with Auntie Kate, exchanged numerous feeding texts with my sister and came home. Where Fran promptly refused to do any of the new books, stropped, sulked and behaved horribly till i gave up and sent her away. So its been early beds all round tonight. Moo was fine at nursery but is just shattered. Ammi did a high pitched squeal for a lot of the day but the steroid inhaler seems to have helped, she looks better and is sleeping marginally better too.
I’ve been designing hama halloween patterns for BM, any contributions gratefully received! Oooh – and there goes another big BH too… oh come on baby – i want to meet you NOW!!!!