Little girl called Rowan born all perfect and well, about 6lbs :~D
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This is an extremely weird feeling.
Anyway, a nice simple day; i took my Van Gogh ideas to our MuddlePuddle Group and all the kids had a great time making salt dough sunflowers, self portraits, copying masterpieces, listening to stories and doing oil pastels. Worked very well and filled the two hours nicely. Then we came home and all flopped; i couldn’t focus my mind on anything but a few outstanding bead parcels and the kids are all a bit under the weather. Fran tried really hard with a self portrait and Maddy did a lovely painting of a sunflower.
Baby scared the wits out of me earlier by refusing to move but its wriggling away now. Ho hum….
Edited more: Oh yes, Fran had another private skating lesson today. Kate and i cooked up a plan for a visual chart for her of the elements she needs to get to pass her next grade and she loved it. There is no incentive other than the chart and the grade but she was really pleased with being able to put ticks by what she could do :~D
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