Nobody get excited.
But i probably won’t be blogging this weekend. We have visitors and it would be rude. Not to mention i have to orchestrate the collection of 40 years worth of Motorsport magazines that Max bought on ebay *rolls eyes*
Today was better anyway. We haven’t really done anything but we had a good clean and tidy, put some stuff away, sorted out their room (its the guest room) and they all played beautifully and left me alone. We also went dancing and i sat it out this week (its a mums and tots thing) and Fran in particular did the most fantastic job of keeping Ammi happy and showing her what to do. She was great. Likewise Maddy was brilliantly flexible about not always having a partner and keeping her eye on the instructor so she knew what to do. I was really proud of them all. Ammi only rampaged once, which was quite impressive.
So now i just have to finish tidying; my SIL is much more houseproud than me and i always start to feel slightly hysterical about mess i don’t otherwise even notice when she comes! Girls are hugely excited about seeing their cousins, so that is good. I suppose, all being well, in another week they’ll have another one.