Oooooh that was unnerving.
About 8 o’clock last night, just as i was finishing my tea, the baby suddenly started to do something very odd. Odd enough anyway that i had to climb off the sofa (slowly), put my head in a cushion and breathe deeply for some time. And i couldn’t talk. I don’t exactly know what it was trying to do but i’m not used to babies putting bits of their anatomy where it seemed intent on going and i didn’t like it.
Slightly unnerved, i decided to go and have a bath to try and straighten it out a bit, which seemed to work but once i sat back on the sofa (to watch Star Wars) it started in a big way. I KNEW it was a false alarm rather than anything real, but it was a good bit more that BH’s and i missed most of the film for breathing deeply through contractions less than 2 minutes apart for the whole time. Fortunately it was fairly obvious to Max i wasn’t having a pre-trip fake, since they were strong enough to shape my tummy to exactly the shape of the baby and he could see exactly how strong they were. And so it continued till 2am, when i suddenly had a very upset tummy, thought “Oh bugger, this could actually be it then” and then it petered out. Today i feel roughly like i have been stampeded by a herd of water buffalo.
I’ve had two similar experiences, although probably not as strong, and both were about 5 days before Maddy and Amelie were born. I find it rather hard to believe i really might have a baby 4 weeks early, to say the least, but i think i really might have to put my foot down about the trip now because if that had happened when Max was away, i’d have been wetting myself. Apart from anything, the pain across my scar was not minimal, which i am hoping was adhesions lifting away or i assume i would be in a fair bit of trouble by now. I’d say it was a significant enough experience that had i been on Baby 1 or 2, i would probably have assumed this was it.
Gulp. I really don’t fancy a month of that very much at all.
On another note, how annoyed exactly should i be that Fran has written across her nice purple lampshade in green felt tip last night? And what should i do about it? She’s not going to make a master criminal, she wrote her name; i can’t decide whether to yell at her for doing it, be pleased with the how good the writing is or annoyed she bloody well managed to spell her own name wrong!!!!