Too weird.
It is extremely nice to have down time but its so very odd. The house is tidy, my list has lots of things crossed off, the kitchen is clean, the recycling is recycled, the tax is done and the toy shelves sorted. I’ve printed out things to use for BM for the next little while, done Fran’s educational report for the year, ready to send when they ask for it (as they will so i might as well be prepared), i’ve backed up essential computer files and got all the book shelves organised. Tomorrow i may have to make mess for the sake of it!!!!
I had a lovely email from Fran who had written “hello mummy hello daddy” and mum had scanned it in and talked to her and Ammi on the phone. Ammi told me all about teddies and tigers and monkeys but then cried after i had gone and had to ring back, so we shall see if she lasts. Apparently she is fine now though. Fran has been gardening and learning music and sounded really happy so i can’t complain.
Weird though.
Now – i need some freeware for making computer pages full of photos!!!! Any ideas anyone?