Wobbly Wipeout.
I thought we were done with hot!!!!! It won’t DO i tell you, it won’t do!
I therefore humbly admit to having left the children utterly to their own devices today except when they asked for a couple of wordsearches. Maddy has spent the day pretending to work in Macdonalds (!) while Fran has run a cafe, Ammi has mostly just been a pickle with the odd potty triumph thrown in. I’ve been lying on the sofa.
We have just finished off the day with the story of King Constans and Vortigen (never heard of him!) and a bit more Clever Polly – they do like those and i have lovely memories of the book too because it was one i kept at my Nanas for summer holiday visits. We used to read it during thunderstorms. I’ve been looking again at some art stuff to try and plan out a few easy to pre-prepare activities there too – anything to make now till Xmas as painless as possible really!!!!