Art Attack.
Considering that i have spent most of the day being remarkably poorly or sitting somerwhere recovering from being poorly, its been quite productive day.
Started by pointing out to Fran that the last 4 books had very few new words in them and she promptly got them out and read them all, not completely faultlessly but well and managed the new words herself too. Then she got out the new box of them, sounded out or read all of the titles and read the first one to me as well. There seems to be a fair step up in skills there, quite a few more long words and ones with silent sounds, but i daresay it will be okay.
Then she sat and counted her 20ps, worked out she needed 6 more to get £5 (the point at which we put money into her bank account) and demanded 6 worksheets, which i gave her and she did. She can now manage her 5x so long as its sequential and can do a sheet of mixed sums from her 10 and 2 times perfectly well too. I never envisaged anyone enjoying such things so much but its been quite a long phase now! lol!
While she was doing those Maddy and i read again and we added a new book to her repetoire, she was fairly tired all day today but did pretty well. Ammi got a story too and then Maddy and Fran did long spells on “Learning Ladder” while the other sat doing jigsaws or drawing with me.
I’ve been reading the Mona Brookes book a fair bit, not all of it utterly appeals but quite a bit of it does. So today Fran and i sat and did an exercize from the first lesson which was sitting making the “basic marks” on paper, i made one and she copied it, trying to be accurate and smooth. It was surprisingly good fun and nice to be doing something “together” – after that we worked on one of the “Draw Monsters” sketches, repeating it till we felt we had both done a decent copy of the original. I’ll put the results up later – Fran was pretty proud of herself, especially as she made a huge effort to colour it neatly.
I caved then and they watched Shrek but i’m off to read the next “Tale from the Ark” now. Hoping i am going to be better tomorrow and no one else gets it as i am supposed to be spending a couple of days with my friend from Australia – i had to cancel my local group meet this morning cos i just wasn’t up to running it.