Neverland and so on.
Well full respect to Max today for doing a full on craft with the big girls. They saw a “make your own Neverland” thing on the DVD yesterday and really wanted to do it. So today he got out pva, tissue and paint and they are now the proud owners of small chains of volcanic islands. They need finishing tomorrow but i take my hat off to him – i HATE doing that sort of thing! lol! Ammi was very pleased to get her hands on paint – one good reason for letting her go to playgroup next year i suppose.
Fran read two more new Bob books and also read the title from a story tonight without even realizing what she had done! She has been writing loads too, the house is full of bits of paper with words on them all of a sudden. Both of them spent ages drawing and i showed them how to do shaded spheres using two shades of the same colour to get a 3d effect. One of my few artistic achievements!
Big efforts of today has been me weeding both flower beds, the tidying of the patio, finishing the rabbit run and sorting out all the “shoes in waiting” plus getting a box together of armbands and so on, so they aren’t floating randomly round the house. If i can find a trowel i can plant lavender tomorrow!
All the girls have played happily with Rich, especially during a “charge around the garden and try to splash him!” game – it was just gorgeous sitting in the evening cool watching them have such fun. Have to say though that they are starting to remind me of the Jurassic Park scene of the Velociraptors hunting as a pack!
Finished the day with “The last of the Romans” from OIS and “The Story of Regulus” – my mind wandered through that one a bit because i was trying to see if its story might have an Harry Potter connections! lol!
Speaking of which, i read on another list this week someone saying that although they let their kids read Narnia and some other kids literature of that ilk, they didn’t allow the Harry Potter books because the line was not firmly drawn between good and evil clearly enough. Now, i’m a big Harry fan as we all know but i have to say i don’t think the subtleties of good and evil blurring is one of its literary greatnesses!!! Also, did anyone else have a disturbing moment of feeling a particular shot of the HP3 film had been “put in for the mummies” and was somehow slightly sexually disturbing.. or was that just me? (Ahem!)
My Story of the World books and Mona Brookes art book arrived this week so i am enjoying looking at them and thinking what i might do with them.