Its all coming together.
I dunno about the kids but yesterday completely wore me and Rich out, so we had a day at home again today. It was a bit thundery here but its cool again, so the day was really quite productive.
Fran and i have fallen back into a habit of sitting down at the table for about an hour around 10am; Ams normally plays and Maddy has been joining us. Today Fran had a really fixed idea of what she wanted to do, so i went with it. She did a total of 7 pages of tables, sequencing, number squares etc and whizzed through them; it was almost all right and pretty neat too. Here’s me thinking that repetition is a bad thing but she seems to really enjoy it! lol! I’ve got a progression of printed out sheets using a generator thing that don’t require much reading and get gradually harder and she likes them. Hopefully soon the CGP and so on will be more applicable, as her reading progresses. She is now completely proficient at her 2 and 10 times tables and getting there with the 5’s. Much like i was at that age, she doesn’t always actually look that what she thinks she is doing is actually what she is being asked for, but there’s plenty of time! She still seems to get 18 and 80 and so on a bit mixed up, but normally spots if she has actually made a mistake on paper.
She and Maddy both asked for wordsearches again (boy has THAT been a success!!!) Maddy could remember all the words from yesterday too which given they are in capitals and without the prompt of a Bob Book picture, seemed pretty good to me. And she didn’t need any help to find them today. Maddy wrote out several of the words too, very well actually and once Fran saw that she set about a really neat bit of copying out of her own. Lol… if i handle it right this sibling rivalry might work to my advantage!
While the big girls were playing i had a lovely bit of time with Ammi reading her stories; i don’t do enough of that but it was great. I felt like we had a really close moment.
Then Fran and i sat down and did some reading; she read me Book 5 and 6 from Bob A2 for the first time with almost no prompts; every new word she sounded out and got right. This evening she got a nursery rhyme book out to look at with Max and read a whole rhyme; i don’t know if she or he was the most amazed!!! I nearly burst with pride listening from the other room. She is doing so well. Maddy also read me the first 4 Bob books too without any help, not bad as we haven’t done anything like that for a week or two. Even better, i asked her to sound out a couple of the words and she knew S, M, A and C and remembered T with a bit of help. Hopefully that’s coming now too.
Maddy decided to do a portrait of me while i was asleep; Rich took this of how she set herself up!
She also decided to put the dolls house into proper order! How very Maddy!!!
And finally Fran asked “to do some craft” so we had a stab at something from our new Usborne Art books – didn’t have quite the right materials but they were both very patient and worked very hard at these. Fran did the top one and Maddy the second. Ammi was asleep but her big event today was learning to cut paper with scissors properly. She was very proud of herself!