Shaking the dust off our feet.
That is it – nursery is over :~) I’ve just got Maddy, and reclaimed her from the system :~)
Still managed to feel weepy and kind of sad for the various mummies muttering about a “whiole summer holiday” and “she seems so young for school.” Its hard having feet in different camps.
I’ve still not decided what to do about next year really, Max and i were discussing how Moo and Fran might work together as HE’d children and i must admit the idea of mentally absolving myself, or her, from the responsibility of “learning” for another year seems appealing, especially when we will have a new baby. Although only one half of my brain thinks that, because the other half knows perfectly well that i do in fact take full responsibility for it anyway!
Over all, its been a positive experience for all of us – Fran has benefitted in a way no one else will get the opportunity to i suppose, my confidence has grown, we have found a rhythm to our life and begun to discover ways of “doing HE” that seem to work for us. Maddy has learned to play, she has had physical workouts everyday that have benfitted her and made me aware of how much that can improve her life. On the other hand at no point have i started to wonder if school would be a good option for her!!!!
But, oh, its good to have her home :~)