Exhales slowly
Hmmmmm. Well, i’ve needed a new system on my computer for 3 years or so, so i guess it was time!
Anyway, today.
I got a lie in, then we went out car hunting and decided we quite like the peugeot 806’s – saw 8 and 7 seater versions but the 7 is probably more versatile really.
Ccame home, watched the GP and played spot the grassy bit/toilets/ burger van we know! Lol!
Then Maddy’s behaviour finally reached a point no one could stand (she was actually being really RUDE!!! “Your voice is boring, don’t talk to me becuase i won’t listen” type things!) so i took her upstairs for a cuddle and held her tightly till she fell asleep, which did the trick moreorless.
Fran did a fabulous sealife jigsaw and then a Disney one, both 100 pieces all on her own, or at least she thinks i helped with the first one but i didn’t really :~D Moo did a Nemo one I’ve got photos but i haven’t reinstalled my editing software (assuming i still have the disk!) yet so you will have to wait ;~)
Moo ended the day by sitting watching a snail for ages and ages. She named it Africa and marked it with a paint dot and it crawled all over her hand in a very friendly manner. She loves mini-beasts (she HELD that Millipede at the Wildlife Park!) so i really ought to encourage her. At her age apparently Max could tell you all about the 47 different versions of woodlouse (it may be more in fact, i forget!) – and i wonder where Moo gets her Moo-ness from!!!!
Been reading through the various bits and bobs like CGP books etc some more – feeling quite cheery really about how easy all this “stuff children should know by now” is – i must admit i can see the appeal of things like Sonlight, CM over that tat all right, at least SL/CM covers interesting stuff!!!!