Another easy day.
Both days this weekend Max has been really hands on doing “semi-educational stuff” with the girls – i think sometimes he doesn’t feel its his pitch, so its really been lovely to see and hear it happening. Today he did several dino dot to dots with the girls, made a Nemo matching game for them which Ammi especially loved and most impressive of all did a lovely pictorial treasure trail for them.
Fran did a page of subtraction sums very easily which was great.Then she and i went into town where we completely failed to spend money and ended up with little more than a hairbrush and a pack of oil pastels! Moo and i also had a foray to the garden centre for rabbit stuff.
We finally have a garden, two months later than planned, so the blog has been a non-starter this year, but we perhaps have time for a few flowers and salad. Mark came and strimmed it all and made flower beds with new topsoil.
Baby can now make my tummy move when it kicks!
Will my comments ever come back?