My occasional check on the NC via Spark Island – Year 1
By the end of the year your child should be able to:
* count at least 20 objects reliably.
* count up and down from any number less than ten, and count up and down to at least 50 in 10s, (10, 20, 30 etc.)
* read and write numbers up to at least 20 in order and understand which numbers are bigger/smaller.
* for any number between 1 and 30, say the number that is 1 or 10 more or less. e.g. Starting with 23; 1 more is 24, 1 less is 22, ten more is 33, ten less is 13.
Oooh – I think so – might check tomorrow for the 10’s!
* understand the terms ‘addition’, ‘subtraction’, ‘take away’ and ‘difference’ and be able to use them.
YEP – well essentially yep anyway! lol!
* Know by heart all pairs of numbers that add up to 10 (1+9, 2+8, 3+7 etc.)
Working on it!
* use mental arithmetic to solve simple ‘real life’ problems relating to counting, addition, subtraction, doubling and halving, explaining how the answer was reached. e.g how could you pay 10p using 1p,2p and 5p coins?
YEP, been doing plenty of this.
* compare two lengths, masses or capacities (volume) e.g 4cms and 2cms, 2 litres and 3 litres
YEP – lots of this although possibly not with the specific words. A summer activity in the garden maybe!
* suggest what kind of equipment and units of measurement could be used to estimate and then measure length, mass and volume. e.g for length; a ruler and centimetres.
YEP – perfectly practical in this way (We could do more i suppose!)
* use everyday language to describe features of familiar 3-dimensional and 2-dimensional shapes. e.g A standard cardboard box has four corners, and six rectangular faces.
Errrr… yes…. honestly!!!!!
So – for the summer – a bit of “number bond” work, a bit of water play and measuring in the garden and a bit of writing numbers! Well given our ahem… laid back approach, we don’t seem to have done too bad there!!!!
Well, in terms of this we have a fair bit of ground to make up, but given that we haven’t stressed about it at all, that doesn’t worry me. So yes, her writing and reading are a good year behind but considering how much has been achieved in 2 days i don’t think its going to be a problem. Suddenly the time seems to be right and she is responding to what is being offered. I feel pretty proud of both of us for spotting the time had arrived and getting it together.
By the end of year 1 your child should be able to:
* Observe and ask questions about living things, different materials and scientific phenomena, such as melting and heating
* Begin to work with other pupils to collect evidence to answer simple scientific questions
* Evaluate the evidence collected from experiments and think whether the experiments were fair
* Use simple reference material to find out more about scientific ideas
* Talk about his ideas using simple scientific language, drawings, charts and tables
* Recognise and name external parts of the human body and of plants
* Talk about animals and plants in terms of common features
* Recognise and name common animals
* Recognise a range of properties such as the textures and appearance of objects and talk about them in terms of these properties
* Discuss how or why changes in light, sound or movement occur, and recognise that sound and light come from various sources
All of this is so vague that i feel quite cheerful!!! We just use all these skills all the time, for everything!