Perfect weekend
Spent the weekend with my parents for a big family gathering – mum and dad, my sis and her partner and my dad’s cousin and his wife, both of whom i am very, very fond of. The girls adored him and D, my sisters partner and played manically with them all weekend. A huge amount of water play, rugby, tickling, chasing and general nutterdom went on during which my sister and i just sat back and bonded over being pregnant together. It was incredibly nice and so warm we just sat in the garden all weekend getting brown. I’ve never done a summer pregnancy before and while i am a bit nervous of long hot August, i must admit being justifably fat while getting brown in a sun top is a definite improvement about being cold and pasty bundled up in frumpy jumpers!
We didn’t leave till very late last night (ie after the football!) so everyone is a bit flopped at the moment. However, last nigt Fran said “mummy, i would like to learn about all the people who ever died in all the wars…” (now there is a challenge!) so i have just handed her a book that is a kids potted time line of the last 2000 years and she is curled up with that.