Oh that really hacked me off – i just typed this whole post and netscape closed because i hit some random combination of Ctrl and something instead of Ctrl and C. ARGH.
So – i can’t be bothered to do it all again now…..
Fran amazed me today by doing wordsearches built using this wordsearch generator and i made her a load with word lists she knew. She did three and her sounding out was great for them. I was chuffed. (Thanks Maggie for the idea).
Moo and Fran both read me their next Bob book and did very well and then Moo went off to nursery willingly. Fran made “Judy” and did another design sheet. She also spent a long time looking at the History book i gave her so some timeline stuff might be in order.Might have another look at that Sonlight history stuff.
After that we went and bought a bunk bed for £70 – very pretty pine and multicoloured wood from an ex-catalogue shop which splits into two beds if i want it to.
Finished the day with a trip to the park, where again the very noticeable difference between my kids and those just out of school was as Alison pointed out last week, not their social skills but my lots much better sun tans! Splashed in the pool and played sandcastles – very nice.
Forgot to say what a great weekend Moo had – she made herself centre of attention and was very funny – Auntie G and D taught her phrases like “You’re sacked you muppet!!!!” and “Caio baby!!!” *rolls eyes!!!!! Ammi’s cup ran over at being under a major airport flightpath and she nearly fainted with excitement when the Red Arrows did a formation flypast right over the garden! Must take her to an airshow!!!!