Such a half termy sort of day
Its a funny thing being half in the schooly world and half in the HE one – i think of half term as having no bearing on us but actually of course it means we have Moo home all week. And its been lovely. She has been fairly relaxed, done lots of stuff and we have all been able to be out and about easily.
So today we spent with Kate and Summer and it was lovely – picnic in the Kitchen (rain stopped play) trip to the swings, lots of playing in general. Summer is having her medication reduced at the moment, and is having no fits so far – the change in her is completely stunning – she is SO much more alert and if you give her food, she lifts in to her mouth and sucks it. Incredible.
Fran earned more 20ps today for books (over £2 now) and she and Moo are currently sat at their table in their room, poring over a workbook (lol!)
Moo has continued her success (although we have a new routine “daddy, i do my wees downstairs and my poos upstairs!”) and is very pleased with herself.
Ammi is still being gorgeous and has learnt please, thank you and sorry this week (please being particularly of the “kleeze… kleeze… kleeze!!!” while jumping up and down and begging for something variety!)I forgot to mention she perfected star, moon and sun at HESFES.
Moo is looking gorgeous, very athletic and slim again in a nice covered way, but if i am honest, Fran looks a bit too skinny – thing is, she eats like a horse but eats fruit and stuff so she just goes through these stringy phases – i must admit though atm i would pick Moo’s build over Fran’s – she’s fine but there is just nothing to her. I daresay its related to the bout of achy legs and whiny stuff she is doing atm and she’ll fill out again a bit soon. Honestly… that i should be whittering about thin kids! lol!
Oh – both are expressing an interest in dinosaurs and butterflies so we might gear up to a couple of new projects there.