Too easy to blog!
Well today was simple. We covered personal and social development and domestic science. Or in other words, i made it very clear to the children that if they don’t start helping to keep the place tidy, i am going to make their life hell!
I am really really sick of walking from one room to the next tidying up their crap or asking repeatedly for them to do simple things to tidy up after themselves. So today i turned a bit more “purposeful” about it :~(
Anyway. We did get good sorting done and as well as that all three played very nicely together making a playdough shop and dinner party.
While Moo and Ammi were otherwsie disposed Fran and i did a load of sorting out in my room (i very nearly chucked all the pink baby stuff but didn’t in the end!) and for the whole time we did mental maths which was good. All the tables are still firmly in there! She also read another 4 Bob books to me (this could get expensive.)
Max has just got home and they are all cleaning out the rabbits. Button’s nest is HUGE. I’m off for a bath.
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