Back to reality
Nice long sleep last night and feel a lot better – less said about the colour of the girls bathwater the better!
Had a slightly odd start to the day by suddenly getting really spooked by how quiet the baby was and called my midwife out for a listen, but all is fine. My sister has been bleeding which is not so good, but they reckon its her cervix – that still doesn’t sound ideal somehow though :~(
Girls seem loads better for a good break. Today they made a playdough cake shop and bought and sold with real money, including doing change, they did pictures with stick on stuff and Frans was “autumn” and then they also played on Reader Rabbit for a good while. They were all very tired but generally had a nice time.
Ammi has new words “cuddle” “that’s mine” and “my chair” – the last two seem to be directly related to her HESFES experiences!!!! She also now says “Dora” as “Dorwah” which is very cute.
I’ve spent the day snoozing and reading a Charlotte Mason how to manual that came while i was away. In one way its great because its how i was school and is giving me lots of reminders of things i would like to do and on the other its extremely odd. The writer seems remarkably prusdish and puts post-it note over “objectionable body parts” in art masterpieces and censors books with ghosts or halloween in them (she is very christian). Now personally the very first thing that a post-it note over a willy would have done was make me desperate to look!!!!! I really can’t see the point of that at all. I can understand (‘maybe’ i can, if i am honest) why a Christian might avoid evolution (cue old kitchen conversations!) but body parts???? Surely God made them?
Anyway. Its food for thought. Once i have finished it you can borrow it Kirsty if you want!
Moo did a good thing today – she was following a numberline on a game board and couting up – she got to 13 which she ALWAYS misses when counting (hence nursery wil only put she can count to 12) and pointing at 13 she said “14” – then she stopped, looked some more and eventually said “mummy – whats this number? Its NOT 14”
I was proud anyway.