“Did the world make us or did someone else make us?”
“Er… um….. i made you”
“No – thats not what i mean – i mean did someone make all of us specially or did the world do it?”
I was also amused recently by Fran suddenly recalling seeing a funeral outside the church we pass every day.
“Mummy – do you remember when we saw a dead man in a box going to church in a taxi?”
Chuckled at her linking taxis and hearses… not entirely unreasonable given the way our taxi’s drive – although they are more likely to be responsible for putting you in a hearse than anything else!
Anyway – finished the jamas – i’m quite proud of them. Now – where’s the camping stuff? Has anyone made a list yet?
Slightly irate with the Speech therapist today i think who seemed oh.. i dunno…. argh… a bit funny with me. I just don’t think ST would be very helpful right now.
Mildly amused by nursery who have scheduled a “special day” for each child and sent home a note asking for us to all make sure we make our child feel special on that day too. WTF?
Ammi is loads better – managed to project antibiotics back into my face last night though. Please no one hate me at HESFES when you see me doing this – i’ve had to resort to the James Herriot approach now and its not pretty.On reflection this sounds like i am shoving them up her bum – i do actually mean the hold her mouth open and tap her sharply under the chin… actually that sounds worse :~(
Everyone else has a cough. Gggrrrrrrrr…..
Probably ought to start packing. Someone bring me a tin opener. Matches.. i need matches!