Planning for HESFES is educational…
Yesterday mainly revolved around buying 10 pairs of shoes for the girls – both Fran and Ammi had grown a size and a half – to a 12 and a 6, which probably explains why they have been moaning about their shoes! and both had to have new trainers, wellies, sandals and doodles while Moo stayed the same at a 9 (how beautiful spaced they are – justl ike their ages!) so she just got new trainers (identical to the old ones please!) and sandals plus a load of old hand-me-downs. Middle child syndrome is a terrible thing! Ammi charmingly has the narrowest width foot while the other two have wide feet, so none of the stored up doodles actually fit her. Grrrrr….
Have responded to peer pressure and started getting ready for HESFES – yesterday bought a couple of mugs, new tentpegs and the afore mentioned wellies – might go for waterproof troos today although the forecast is pretty good really. Sneaked in some suncream while the gods weren’t looking but i’m not sure i have done enough to counteract all those hopefully purchased sunsuits!
Started making jamas last night – want 6 pairs to avoid vomit or weeing incidents – if i only have one pair each there is sure to be disasters (hmmm… i see a pattern developing here!) – shall go get some storage today. Max bought a few pasta ‘n sauces for us last night! I know i had a car full of stuff last year but i can’t quite remember what – i daresay i will find a list somewhere between now and saturday. I could plan from here on in 48 hours a day, and i’ll still forget a tin opener, so i think i shall take the relaxed approach!
Did manage to have several thoroughly interesting conversations with Fran – one over the definition of liquids which was good and included honey, glass, pebbles in an avalanche, moved on to changing the state of water to a gas or solid and then went on to density of different liquids, finishing up with a long conversation on oil spillage disaster, environmental effects and the uses of oil in our world. So i think that makes it okay :~)
Girls getting excited now. I could use more sleep but seem to have hit the insomnia part of pregnancy.
Oh yes – the other event of the day was Ammi getting diagnosed with Asthma (honestly just ONE child without issues would be good!) Its not severe but she did have a rotten night while we were away and i knew our time was up really. Its been obviously an issue for a while and with the eczema it was hardly surprising. She now has a puffer which she is not prepared to “take” so 3 times a day could be tough but last night she was coughing in her sleep and i used it a bit like an oxygen mask just held near her face – the effect was instant and she then got a peaceful nights sleep with no coughing. She has taken violently against her antibiotics though and i have actually had to sit on her and wait till she screams to squirt it in on an in-breath, which is hardly ideal. Little monkey will take calpol, but the minute she saw something orange she went mad, before she had even tasted it! *rolls eyes*
This morning has started fairly interestingly with the baliffs turning up to steal my chattels but fortunately they believed that i was not the previous tenants and went away!