A room with no view!
My greatest accomplishment today has definitely been curtains. I pootled off to homebase for something else (a doorbell!) and decided to have a quick look in the curtain section. I was not hopefull as i needed a minimum of 2 pairs each, cheap and one had to be red or similar and one purple or similar. WELL!!!! Talk about meant to be! There in the reduced section were two pairs of purple of exactly the right length and 2 pairs of red of the right length! And they were the only lengths with 2 pairs left of anything! AND they were £10 and £25 a pair. BARGAIN!!!!! So now we have curtains and feel all moved in :~) I also spent a lot of the day tidying up the last remaining boxes full of “misc” bits and the playroom/office/sitting room is now mainly sorted out. All the shelves that used to have all the monte stuff on them are there and have their baskets back (i just need to find the actual stuff!) and i feel pretty well organised. This weeks task will be getting the girls room set up i think.
Girls played together in the garden all day really – no tv, no fuss (no clothes!) and had a lovely time. I cannot believe how much happier they are here.
Will do photos of the experiments tomorrow with them.