Get growing you!
We had a good day today. Firstly we managed to get to the rink for 9.30 (an achievement in itself!) and the girls had a lesson. Then it was SNOWBABIES!!!!!
It was great actually – they had done a good job. Lots of toys, 3 instructors, baby skates and as it was the first one they had little (hideous!) stuffed toys, mini eggs and certificates for them all. Fran pulled Ammi on the sledge for AGES and Moo did her best too and they all had a lovely time. Was really nice to just be able to sit back and see them all get on with it – i far prefer watching my children have fun to have to actually taknig part! lol!
While Moo was out we had a good time GROWING stuff – started off digging out all our relevant books (i’ll list them tomorrow) then we started some cress off.
Quite impressively we added water at 1pm and by 2.15pm we had shoots! Don’t ask me why but we are doing a seeds far apart and seeds close together experiment here….
We also started a pea experiment…
So this is the one with one with water and light, one with just light and one with just water. We shall see.
Then we spent ages gonig throguh a book called “Dig and Sow” and talked about CO2 and Oxygen exchanges between animals and plants. We even got as far as the chemical symbols and what the letters/numbers mean. We also did Soil and how its made and erodes, seed dispersal and various other topics. Oh yes Baobab trees, which we found on the site i posted below.
i need more plant experiments. I shall have to look at the Usborne Quicklinks page.
Went into nursery early to discuss next year. Was quite surprised to be offered a full 10 sessions as playgroup could only ever offer Fran 5 even in her reception year. However we are aiming to reserve her 3 full days but expecting she will only use two of them (the extra might be nice for her when babe is new.) If they can’t work that into the classrooms then its going to be 4 mornings rather than afternoons as it has been this year. Should free us up a bit more really.
The other debate is whether to keep her in the room she is in or move her for a new experience (which would also mean new staff i suspect as they don’t often do big shuffles). A year ago i would have said “no no, keep it all the same for her” but now i wonder if the new environment and a new set of staff would be a good challenge and help her adjust to something new. Although for Fran i LIKED the fact that playgroup was the same for those 3 years. Its all a bit boring really as i am less happy with her going back than i was really – its been great for her this year but will anymore be gained by next year… hmmmmm…..
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