Much as i hate to take the p*ss out of people… i was kind of disturbed by my dealings with a 20 year old today at our local soft play area. We have a card there where you buy 25 hours for £30 and then they count off the hours each time you go. I eventually had to work it out for her as she was counting out 100 minutes per hour…. followed by adding up 4 meals at £2.25 each and two drinks at 75P each and coming to a total of £7.35.
Now, there are those who are blessed with mathematical ability and those who are not i admit (and i admit to being one who is not!) but this person is on a teacher training course for primary schools!!!!!
*Thumps head*
Aside from that we had a nice day. Handed over our old house, spent 2 hours at the play area, played webland and now Moo is putting small post it notes into each pane of the lattice windows! Knowing Moo, she won’t stop till she is done!