I have got photos but i am too tired.
Oh i feel weary! Its been a good day though so i won’t complain – apart from the high pitched squeal Scruff has developed :~/ I wouldn’t miond but its definitely come on since her MMR and its making me paranoid.. did i mention my pregnant paranoia problem??? Did i mention i repeat myself a lot? Did i? I repeat myself a lot and get paranoid.
Anyway. Got housework done first thing so i felt good. Girls watched Neverland which later sparked a BIG conversation about WW2, evacuees and anderson shelters. This house was lives in from new (Its a 1930’s) by its recently deceased owner so we went all over the house looking at where she might have hidden during air raids. My family were Eastenders too so i had lots of family folklore to tell her. She’s asked to learn about WW2 after the Romans. Its so great to have a child as genuinely in love with history as i always have been.
Fran got up this morning and requested “work” – she then did all the puzzle sums in her room and a load more clock worksheets. Then she practised handwriting, all off her own bat. I guess the “period of reflection” is over! lol!
Moo went out, the Squeaker went to bed and Fran and i made a Roman poster from the project booklet i picked up the other week. It was great and we talked loads. Then we spent ages on the BBC website looking at its “Suitable for KS2” Roman section. Pah to Keystages!!! From that we made a Bulla, a good luck bag which we filled with lucky stones and made up a blessing from each god for each one. That was great fun. She stitched it all herself too and was so proud. We also made a brooch, looked again at the Roman Empire map and found a timeline that fits Melrose history and Jesus nicely into the time frame. Following on as it did from yesterdays trip to the Roman exhibition, it was great (I forgot my camera and we are gonig again so we shall wait for that one!)
She was doing puzzle sums again at bedtime and also played Zoombinis and Oz today – it makes me laugh so much – Moo gets it all right, carefully carefully… Fran has no patience, no logic no nothing – and it drives her mad that she can’t get it. But she just won’t take even a second to think it through! rofl!