I’ll blog a little then.
So – apart from all the really important things going on which seem to have claimed most of my brain power, what have we done?
Well – Thursday Fran and i finally got a quiet afternoon without a load of charging about to manage. We read a book, she played for ages on the “Alice” game and managed fairly well (now THERE is a surreal bit of DK software!) and then i cut up Alison’s times tables cards for her to use. She did the 2x in her head and then used her abacus to work out her 3x and 4x ones. She also did some handwriting in a Letterland workbook which she seemed to enjoy and worked very hard at too We also did something else but i’m blessed if i can remember what! Oh yes – my bead delivery arrived and i got her to use her 6x and 10x tables to count things – she counted in 10’s to 140 but more importantly, she worked out for herself that that was a clever way of doing it. She had Rainbows in the evening and had a great time as usual.
Yesterday was our HE group and it was my turn to provide the activity. I was really pleased with it as it kept most of them occupied for the whole session. I did pony beadies, necklaces, safety pin beading (NOT for the easily annoyed!) and also took a big bag of pom beadz for the kiddies.
On our way there i asked Fran if she could remember her 2x and to my surprise she reeled it off, even correcting a mistake she made. I was gobsmacked and asked how she had done it. “Oh” she said “I just figured out how you count on in my head. You miss out 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17 and 19.” At this point i nearly crashed! lol! I asked how she knew that? “It was just in my head – i found it there!” I LOVE moments like that- they are just worth 100 of anything you might choose to drum in!
She had a nasty collision with Moo’s head while we were there and has knock her tooth nearest her gap out of alignment – i have a feeling it will come out fairly soon now which is a shame as of all of them it would have been good to keep that one longer.
I witnessed a highly amusing conversation between some kids while i was there i shall have to relay elsewhere!
They all played Wizard of Oz together afterwards; made me laugh to see them all on chairs in front of the pooter with Fran “driving”. It never fails to amaze me what mates they are generally and the genuine affection between them. People often comment on it. *Imagines friends wondering if i am talking about the same children they know!*
We finally finished ALice and have started on Peter Pan – atm though Moo and Fran are playing together at bedtime and are now really keen to share a room again.
Ice skating this morning. Fran has been skating in the grade 2 class to be with Kate and Moo. I was watching the class this morning as they did “push togethers” in turn and thinking “This lot are good, Fran won’t really seem any different” and then she took her turn and hers were so beautiful; really controlled and elegant and she did each push almost like a glide. Moo managed to learn to go backwards today and did really well. On the way back we stopped at a dance shop and bou8ght them all in one suits to go under their dresses for a bit more warmth – cue desperate urge for dancing lessons!